City of York Council Labour Group

News Release

Immediate Release: 9th December, 2024

Persistence pays off as deal struck on extended NRM access

Holgate ward councillors have welcomed a breakthrough in negotiations to extend access hours for residents through the National Railway Museum, once its new Central Hall opens.

The plans, which were given outline planning permission in August 2022, involve closing off Leeman Road and connecting the NRM’s buildings across the road through a new Central Hall.

Holgate ward councillors campaigned against access restrictions imposed through those plans, arguing residents in the Leeman Road area would be significantly impacted by access only being permitted during museum opening hours.  The new, additional agreement secures extended access from 7.30am in the morning until 10am, and from 5pm until 7pm.

Holgate ward councillor Kallum Taylor said:

“Given what we’ve been through with these plans over the last six years, and how previous administrations led by other parties turned their back on residents at vital points, this can only be welcome news.  While there are still issues, this is an extra four and a half hours of access every day not previously available, so I am very grateful to Cllr Douglas and our Labour Council for making it a priority to get a better deal for Leeman Road residents.“I sincerely hope it represents a turning point in the NRM’s relationship with the community around it and, more broadly, how the Council views its role in advocating for communities at the heart of big changes involving partners”.

The council’s Leader and Deputy Leader have held several meetings with the National Railway Museum since last May to find a solution that works for both the local community and the NRM. The additional access agreement will be reviewed after 3 years.


Cllr Kallum Taylor  – Holgate Ward    Tel: 07742 766152

Cllr Claire Douglas, Labour Group Leader:  07841 514518

Nick Wharton, Political Assistant to the Labour Group: 07593 528214


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