Jane Burton

I’m Jane and I’m standing as a councillor in Micklegate, very much hoping to be elected so that I can join my hard-working colleagues Pete Kilbane and Jonny Crawshaw.
I am from York, went to school in Dringhouses, then later as a mature student I attended York University and the College of Law in York. I have lived in the Micklegate ward for forty years, and I brought my daughter up here and worked as a teacher in local schools. I am very proud to be from York.
For the past 7 years I have chaired the Lawyers with Disabilities Division of the Law Society, and I have a reputation for working hard for the people I represent and making a real difference with negotiation and advocacy. I am a disability activist and I have recently been ranked highly commended as Woman of the Year in the Women in Law Diversity Awards. I am also a founder member of the local Reverse the Ban group, a coalition of 27 local groups against the closure of the York city centre foot streets to Blue Badge holders.
Sadly, during the last few years, the Lib Dem and Green coalition has meant the situation in York has seen negative changes that have not benefited the ordinary people of York. Disabled people have been excluded from the city centre and new building is mostly luxury homes, hotels or student accommodation. It is now time for change and to put local people first. I am passionate about making York a better place for all residents. Amongst other things, bringing in better-paid work, joined-up transport policies and better bus services.
The well-thought-out policies in the York Labour Party manifesto offer hope and a better future for all the people of York, and that is why I am standing in the Micklegate ward.